Our own Green Deal
At Capri we are convinced that the bicycle is a powerful tool for social and environmental change. We know that our own activity helps to change the status quo and dependence on fossil fuels but we have decided to go even further and implement a series of policies and actions to help us become a fully sustainable brand.

A Capri forest
On 5 March 2023 we have planted 300 indigenous trees in Southern Europe, one of the most deserted areas of the continent, in order to offset our carbon footprint.
We have done it together with Bosquia, a company specialising in this type of action that avoids greenwashing and takes real care of each tree, so that it really grows. If a tree does not take root in its early stages of life, Bosquia will replace it. The trees will always be autochthonous to each area. During the first 4 years, Bosquia will be in charge of supervise the planting.
With this action we have offset between 85 and 100 tons of CO2 (the production of one bicycle can generate between 240 and 490 kg of CO2e (carbon dioxide equivalent), according to a 2018 study published in the journal Environmental Research Letters.
To give an idea of what this 100 tons means, here are some comparisons:
- Emissions of 100 tonnes of CO2 are equivalent to the average annual emissions of about 11 US households.
- It is also equivalent to the annual emissions of about 22 cars each driving a distance of 15,000 km.
- Another comparison is that the emissions of 100 tonnes of CO2 are roughly equivalent to the amount of carbon dioxide that would be absorbed in an 11-hectare forest for one year.
We are aware that greenhouse gas emissions are cumulative, which means that every additional tonne contributes to climate change. Therefore, we know that it is important to take action to reduce our emissions, i.e. offsetting alone is not enough, so we work on improving every process to become a more sustainable company.
What does Carbon footprint mean?
You probably already have a clear idea of what is meant by the term "carbon footprint", a concept coined by PhD and Nobel Laureate in Chemistry Paul J. Crutzen in the 1990s that refers to the total amount of greenhouse gases emitted - directly and indirectly - into the atmosphere as a result of any human activity.
It is important to reflect on the qualification "directly and indirectly" because the carbon footprint includes not only what we do as companies or individuals directly but also the emissions generated by third parties when we purchase a particular good or service.
The carbon footprint is measured in tonnes of CO2 equivalent and is a key concept in the fight against Global Warming.

What we do to make your shopping more sustainable
- 80% of our packaging is made of cardboard or paper.
- Stop over-packaging: we have adjusted the size of the packages to the maximum without compromising product safety, we introduce new box sizes.
- We cannot interfere 100% in the procedures of courier companies, but we facilitate the grouping of orders and we only work with leading logistics companies (DHL, MRW, FEDEX...) that have environmental compensation protocols.
- You will not receive a paper invoice with your order, we always send it to you by post.
- We have reinforced our customer service team to help our customers with any questions about their purchase, and thus avoid future returns.
- We provide more photos of each product to avoid surprises when you receive your order, avoiding unnecessary returns or exchanges.
- And most importantly, we make bikes that last for many years, the same goes for our Victoria accessories, we hope that our bike will be your bike for life.

What you can do to make your purchase more sustainable
- Try to group your products in one order, we will save your shopping basket if you let us know.
- Try to facilitate a single delivery, either by having someone at the place of delivery or by selecting a pick-up point.
- Avoid returns, our customer service info@capribikes.com and our technical department soporte@capribikes.com, will be happy to help you with all your questions before your purchase, sizes, compatibilities, size...etc.